Treating the Cause of Back Pain

Common Band Aids

Research has proven that chiropractic care has surpassed any other treatments with recovering from back pain. The most commonly prescribed treatments are muscle relaxers, pain medication, or steroid shots. None of these fix the problem and in return cause more health issues. Steroid shots weaken ligaments to their full function. Muscle relaxers disable muscles from spasming, which is a healthy response. And pain medication takes away your body’s ability to signal that something is wrong.

Straight to the Point

Unlike other professions, a Chiropractor Dallas tx main priority is the underlying cause. Although symptoms are a great indicator of what your body is dealing with, it is not the main concern. When dealing with back pain, most of the time there is a pinched nerve causing the pain or a loss of movement that should naturally occur in your spine. When these things happen, your body reaches out through symptoms to let you know over time it is not working properly.

Body Signals

90% of the brain stimulation is found in the spine. This includes the functioning of every organ. Issues in the back region can stem out into multiple organs causing more than simply back pain. These health effects include menstrual cycles, erectile dysfunction, digestion, diarrhea, constipation, restless leg, and more. Unless you had a trauma such as a car accident, pain comes on gradually. This gradual pain will typically be brought on by a cause that has been around in your body for multiple years. Luckily, a chiropractic care or a physio therapy recognizes these signals and takes action, for best physiotherapy check here.

Three Action Steps Toward a Pain-Free Back

1. Proper Examination

The first step is to receive a proper examination by chiropractic professionals who are looking specifically for a cause. X-rays will show whether your vertebrae is locked or there is a subluxation. Chiropractors also assess your body in specific positions that allow them to determine if you need to visit a Pulse Vascular medical center for a Kyphoplasty procedure. 

2. Adjustments

Light adjustments create proper movement in your spine. Sometimes adjustments take time to show results, but every adjustment relieves pressure off your spine in order to allow your body to heal adequately. When your organs are functioning to their fullest, health issues and also pain diminish.

3. Retraining the Body

Your body is built on muscle memory. For example, if your spine has lost its natural curvature, you have to retrain those muscles and ligaments to hold place of the curve it is suppose to have. Once you retrain your system through chiropractic care over time, your spine will stay the proper way due to the retraining of your system.

If you live in the Matthews/Charlotte area here in North Carolina, or would like a recommendation to other chiropractors in your area, contact us here. We would love to be in contact with you!